April 17, 2019

Am I getting too old for YA?

Is there even such a thing?


In the past two years, I found myself being drawn into adult titles more and more. That, of course doesn't mean that I don't read YA titles anymore. I still do. And in fact, I've read more YA so far this year which I see is a good sign.

But if I'm still reading a good amount of YA, what's the drama, right?


No One's 'Too Old' for YA
While we, adult readers, are obviously out of the YA books' main target audience, we still grab all these fancy titles and fangirl/boy about them because we read them, we like them, they still mean so much to us, and other times, we still relate to them.

I see many adult book bloggers, who still read more YA titles than adult titles. And to be honest, I'm amazed at how they don't seem to outgrow all these books and these plot points. Because for me, while many YA titles look interesting they also feel partly the same for me. But I guess you can also blame the fact that I'm not very interested in fantasy in general (which is a huge chunk of YA titles. I'm more of a dystopian and soft scifi reader than medieval/high fantasy reader).

But really, it's the I-can't-relate-to-this and I-can't-with-their-decisions kind of feel. YA is still good and enjoyable for sure but a lot of times, I already feel a bit frustrated with YA characters. But also, I re-consider then end up thinking, of course, they're still young adults and unsure of a lot of things and that and maybe still don't know whether to do this or that. Mostly, YA characters just make bad decisions and that's life. That how things go when you're young and you grow from there. And that's the charm of YA but also why I end up not getting interested in them anymore. Because they feel the same. And I don't think that's a bad thing.

No New YA Titles Genuinely Interests Me
This is generally connected to how I feel about YA books as I mentioned above.

I come across a lot of YA books everyday since I bloghop every time I can and watch booktube videos whenever monthly wrapups and bookhauls come out. But YA titles just don't grab my attention anymore because of how I feel about their plots being all too similar already and their characters making the worst possible decisions (even though as I mentioned above is not a bad thing at all and it's really just my personal issue/preference that stops me from reading them).

The only YA titles I'm genuinely hyped about are those by Neal Shusterman which I will always be up to.

I read YA to Chill; I read Adult to Get Heavier Reads
Sometimes when I decide which books I'll read next, I consider YA as something to read in between because YA is lighter than most adult books I have (aka the literary, scifi, and thrillers). But of course don't shout at me saying that YA has heavy topics. I KNOW they do and I do have heavy YA books that pile up on my shelf. It's just that YA books are faster reads and easier to get into than most of the adult books I have.

But really, what is point in all of this? lol.
I hate that my interest in YA has lessen. But I still read it especially when I want something quick which is what I have been doing recently. Adult books are interesting and their contemporaries are much more interesting for me. I can actually see the point in time when I'll most likely quit YA all together and just read a three to five YA books a year and it's alright.

Interests change. It's no big deal.

let's connect!

1 comment:

  1. I go through phases with YA. They tend to follow trends and sound similar and I need to take a break before I start criticizing teens for acting like...teens. lol

    I don't think there's anything wrong with adults reading YA (or any genre really) as long as they realize they aren't the target audience and try to change it for them.

    But yeah...reading habits change and that's a good thing.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth


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