May 22, 2019

APRIL WRAPUP (aka the month of baseball)


April is the month of MLB regular season and I am obsessed! Shame me but I just started watching this and I feel so invested. I'm fairly familiar with the game (special thanks to anime. lol) but entirely new to watching MLB which is actually really exciting! Also, generic me is rooting for the Yankees (and also lowkey rooting for the Brewers on the NL).

We're three weeks into May and I've just gotten deeper into baseball that my reading time had to be cut down so that I can tune in to my teams' games, read through news updates, and watch all the game recaps (which is an insane thing to do). But come the end of the season, I'll probably be done with this thing. I think? idk.

On other things, I was surprised that I actually got into 3 books this month. With a slump coming at me because of Gerald's Game which I tried reading in the 2nd or 3rd week of the month and held off to read the Death Note spin-off which worked out fine for me. So for now, I'll be putting Gerald's Game down and pick up a different book to get my reading numbers up and my reading mood back.

I know this post is like THREE FREAKING WEEKS LATE! But who cares at this point? All these drafted posts on my blog are almost done and I'm still not done reading anything since this wrapup. I might end up not finishing a book in May. Oh look, it's the 22nd and I've read ZERO books so far. Send help!

books read

The Gone World was a really good time travel novel recommended and given to me by my bestfriend 💖 One Day in December is a really cute and quick read. LOVED it!!! Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases is an interesting spin-off to the Death Note series (minus the cringe victim/character names). The twist was nice and the mystery as a whole was really good.

reading challenge update
15 out of 52 - Goodreads Reading Challenge
14 - Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge
5 out of 40 - 2019 PopSugar Reading Challenge

4 out of 20 - Read Books Own in 2017 or Earlier
4 out of 20 - Read YA
5 out of 10 - Read Science Fiction / Fantasy Books
1 out of 5 - Read 'Big Books' (500+ Pages Books)
0 out of 5 - Read 5 Classics
0 out of 5 - Read Stephen King Books

Also, I'm failing my book buying challenge of read 3 books = buy 1 book
books read = 15
books bought = 10

*   *   *

books hauled


I'm so glad I didn't haul anything this month. Actually, I didn't expect myself to actually not get any books. May is another month though (but really, I've been nice).

How was your April? Anything you want to share? New hobby, projects, travel, books, school life?
How was your month in reading? Anything you added to your faves? Anything you can recommend to me?

let's connect!

1 comment:

  1. I had several months of only reading one book but I finally got back into my groove in May. Whew! lol

    I haven't watched baseball since HS. I remember it going late into the night without anything actually happening lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth


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