Last month I set my TBR to books I borrowed. I focused on those books and I successfully got through 4 of them! It was really satisfying to look back to. From 9 borrowed books, I'm down to 5. Although the books that were left were books that I borrowed way back in 2018-ish. Kind of wild. lol. But all is good. I'll get back to them at some point.
What I got from this though is the success of the TBR I set which felt kind of unusual to me since I usually don't follow my TBR list. What I like in here though is that I set a specific theme for it which I think somehow helped me with getting through it.
SO this month, I decided to go with books I've had the longest. I went to my previous blog and checked my oldest book haul post (which was consisted of books I've read) and checked every books from there. Took me a significant amount of time but now I have a good list of books I got way back from 2014 to the last physical book haul I had which was March 2020.