January 31, 2021

[WEEKEND READS] where I had a productive art week


I've been quite off in the past couple of weeks. Just work, mood, drama over my art... stuff 😩

I wanted to make a habit of a lot of things I've been neglecting so I plan to start a bullet journal / habit tracker thing. idk. I just checked stuff on instagram and I got a bit of an idea of what I wanted to do. But generally just something that will push me and remind me to do things as well as a way to mark them for the sense of accomplishment and productivity. Hopefully that helps.

This past week,  (1) I finished The Weight of Zero and started Wink Poppy Midnight. LOVED The Weight on Zero and I'm so glad to have finally read it! and (2) I made art again. I did a lettering of  a quote from Crazy Stupid Bromance because that hit me well. lmao. I also made a drawing for my younger cousin because it's her birthday today. AND I finally finished one more fanart. I'm happy about how my art productivity is going (despite the lowkey drama I mentioned).

current reads

Wink Poppy Midnight | April Genevieve Tucholke
I just started this and I don't link Poppy. Actually I'm not exactly liking anyone but I'm still intrigued by this. I see people say they're confused after reading this (or something like that? idk). I see tag of magical realism and thriller for this so I'm quite curious and nervous about that since magical realism isn't really my thing.

The Overdue Life of Amy Byler | Kelly Harms
I started this a couple of days ago and reading it slowly. I'm a couple of chapters in and it just laid down what's going to happen aka what's written in the synopsis (I think). It's about Amy Byler, a librarian and single mom, and that her husband who left her three years ago decided to reconnect saying he wants to see his children again. He's going to spend a week or so with them while Amy plans to go to New York while the children are with him. How will this go, I don't know. I didn't exactly read the full synopsis (or if I did, I forgot about it).

What books did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? Any new faves? Any recommendations? What do you think of these books? How was your week?

let's connect!


  1. Your quote is fantastic! So pretty! I read Wink Poppy Midnight. It was so weird, but I enjoyed it. I thought the writing was really wonderful, but it was a strange story.

    1. Thank you, Sam! I probably remember you mentioning that. I hope I enjoy it too :)

  2. I love your the quote you made. So pretty! I hope that a journal will help you with your habits. It can be really hard to change behaviors. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your current reads.

    1. Thank you, Carole! I'm sure it's going to be quite hard. But slowly for sure, I can get there :)

  3. That is lovely quote, Czai. I just finished Punching in the Air and have started Clap When You Land, enjoyed the former, loving the latter.

    I hope your journalling will help you organize. I have one as well and I've just been using it for other stuff other than organizing. Very helpful!

    1. Thank you, Joy! I've read good things about Clap When you Land. Nice to know you enjoyed your reads.
      I'll probably see if I can expand my journal from my tracker :)

  4. Yay for art! I think it looks awesome. :)

  5. Love the art! My artists skills only stretch as far as drawing stick men lol.

    See, I really want to start a bullet journal too as I think it's a good productivity tracker. The problem with me is I fixate over the smallest mistakes and I end up ripping the page out and giving up, haha. Hope it works out for you! =D

    1. Thanks, Renu! I'm such a late bloomber for art tbh but I'm happy things are going well for me.

      I feel you on that! That's generally how I am that's why I stopped a lot of bullet journal attempts and I ended up doing a really simple extra minimalist layout so I don't end up scrapping it. hahaha


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