Two months flew by and somehow I still don't know how to do this blogging again. lmao.
I'm doing another update generally because I didn't want a three-month wrapup. Also, I got a bit motivated to be productive (?) after stumbling upon a productivity video on Youtube. I'm trying to make a more effective to-do list stuff to manage myself well and keeping in mind a few things I picked up else where like stopping myself from endless social media scrolling (because sometimes it's a waste of time) and I also downloaded a focus app on my phone so I can stop myself from randomly picking it up and browse social media. I hope this works!!
On blogging and reading stuff, I do plan to get back on blogging. Hopefully. I found a few reviews I wrote a couple of years back (probably 3-4 years ago, tbh. but I'll roll with it. lmao). I'll schedule those alongside reviews I'm writing right now. I'm trying to get through a few ARCs I got and hopefully get back on track of things. I'm pushing myself to read more with my buddy read book, my usual TBR challenge picks and my ebook read. My TBR for September will be up soon, similar to last year, it's a stack of my MIBF book haul. I picked my oldest MIBF haul (which also somewhat crossed over my oldest unread books tbr).
On other things, I FINALLY finished Kingdom from Netflix. I'm eyeing another zombie series, Black Summer, I think (?). Saw someone mentioned it, I think. But my best friend also told me to watch The Serpent first. SO we'll see I guess. I'm a lazy watcher anyway. I ended up rewatching Big Bang Theory again but I'll probably pick up a serious show soon.