March 7, 2021

[WEEKEND READS] where I tried doing my monthly readathon and failing


Throughout the week, I've been majorly unmotivated with work and have been very slugging with doing generally anything (but of course I still do the things I need to do because I don't really have much of a choice). I had an ugly sleep schedule that up to now I'm still trying to let my body take a pretty decent sleeping time (aka sleeping on or before 12mn and waking up on or before 8am). I've been sleeping at 3AM and waking up at 7AM only to fully get up at 10AM. what is wrong with me? 😩😩😩

Yesterday, I tried doing an impromptu 24hr readathon because I realized that I don't really have much chores for the day. At 12mn, I continuously read Waking Gods, took a rest after a few hours (4AM-ish) then continued reading and ultimately finishing the book in the afternoon (with a lot of naps in between probably because of my lack for the last few days). I started The Knife of Never Letting Go and I've only gotten like three chapters because my sister and I watched a movie in the evening.

I kind of see it as an okay readathon but not what I was expecting. haha. Because I wanted an actual whole day reading for myself but I guess since I did finish a book, it's all pretty good.

SO this past week, I finished both books I was reading last weekend, Waking Gods and The Lost Village. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED WAKING GODS!! NOT A DULL MOMENT!! I REALLY NEED BOOK 3 NOW!!! As for The Lost Village, it was okay. I have my review schedule a day before the released date. So expect it March 22nd 😀

current reads

The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) | Patrick Ness
I just started this and haven't gotten far. There's still a bit of things about the world. There's so much hype around this that's why it took me quite a while to really pick this up (generally it was the movie that made me finally pick it up. lmao). I may not be fully into YA recently but I hope I still end up liking this.

Mother May I | Joshilyn Jackson
My interest in thriller prevented me from actually checking the synopsis of this book. SO reading this just made me aware that this actually involves a kidnapping of a baby. Last year I read two books that involve a storyline like this so there's going to be a bit of a comparison in my head. When I read this, I wasn't immediately hooked which is a bit of a disappointment and the amount of names being thrown kind of overwhelms me. I hope I can get the hang of it at some point.

What books did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? Any new faves? Any recommendations? What do you think of these books? How was your week?

let's connect!


  1. I have never done a read-a-thon. I couldn't imagine using a whole day to only read since time is such a premium for me. I say finishing a book in less than a 24 hour time period is a success. The fact that you really enjoyed the book is a bonus.I have only read one book by Ness, The Rest of Us Just Live Here, and it was strange.

    1. a dedicated day for reading is quite hard just because there's generally so much to do. I tried to actually do it but can't as well. But yeah, I guess being able to finish a really good book is such a good thing. I never got interested in trying out The Rest of Us Just Live Here. The plot just doesn't grab me.

  2. I always love readathons. I would be able to do them more before having my son but now I can only squeeze like an hour of reading in a day, if that lol. I try though >.< Happy reading!

  3. I also have trouble sleeping lately. Let's hope we both get through this! I also need to join another readathon! I really enjoy doing those!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  4. In my book you did very well during the readathon. :-) I haven't attempted one in I don't know how long. I like Jackson's writing style but haven't read too many of her books. Waking Gods is on my TBR pile. I am glad you liked it so much. Have a great week!

  5. Ooh I'm glad you liked Waking Gods. I still need to finish that series. And yay for impromptu readathons! :):)


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