March 14, 2021

[WEEKEND READS] where I was drowned with work but still read enough

rare evening photo because I'm that preoccupied recently. haha. will bloghop soon!


It has been a crazy work week for me. I'm trying to go through with one layout at a time and it feels endless at this point. I sent several layouts last Friday and I still have a lot more to do come Monday. It's been exhausting these last few days that I didn't even have the energy to open my laptop yesterday. I just read and took a bit of rest yesterday.

This week, after watching Hailey from Hailey in Bookland's video, I decided to actually log my daily pages read. I've been trying to read at least 50 pages a day although I never really seriously check it and decided for myself if I've actually read enough for the day (where is the system? HAHAHA). So when I started actually logging my pages, I find myself really reading more (or maybe it's just how easy and quick to read the book I was reading then? who knows?). But I really like to keep this up and maybe from 50 pages, I can push it to 100 pages a day next time. I mean I've had days where I read more than 100 pages so we're getting there, I guess.

This past week, I read 466 pages (since I started my log in Tuesday). I finished The Knife of Never Letting Go and The Switch and started The Lonely Hearts Hotel. This coming week, I plan to get through The Lonely Hearts Hotel, Mother May I, and start (and hopefully finish The Ask and The Answer). 

current read

The Lonely Hearts Hotel | Heather O'Neill
I started this immediately after I finished The Knife of Never Letting Go last night. So far I feel uncomfortable with how this started. Just a few scenes I feel iffy about and I hope I get over them and somehow I think they do have some point in the story but I'm just not a fan of somewhat sexual scenes especially involving a child (just no). But we'll see I guess. I'll be focusing on this book this week and hopefully finish it early.

What books did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? Any new faves? Any recommendations? What do you think of these books? How was your week?

let's connect!


  1. I read on a kindle, so I never log my pages, just books completed. That's great that you have been reading more than your goal though you were busy at work. Gold star! I don't know anything about the book you are reading, but I hope it gets better for you

  2. I feel like I don't read a lot of pages most days. I think a daily goal would be great. I remember seeing The Lonely Hearts Hotel around when it was first released. I hope that you have a great week!

  3. I don't have a daily reading goal, but I do tend to have goals for when to finish a book. If I want to finish on a Friday for example and have only read half of the book and it's suddenly Thursday, I will push myself more just so I can reach that goal. Not sure if this is a great system though, lol. I hope you have a little down time for yourself soon.


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