October 26, 2020

[WEEKEND READS] where I participated in Dewey's #readathon and did a bit of Kindle cleaning


So Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon happened and while work kind of interrupted the end of my readathon, I still think it was a success. I read almost the entire half of the readathon duration. And I finished 1 book then I cheated and did an extended readathon because, as I said, work interrupted me. I finished 1 more book then caught up with my buddy read book.

So all in all, I got through a total of 421 pages. I juggled among 4 books and ultimately finishing 2 of them. 1 of those I didn't finish is an ebook and I'm still far from finishing that one and the other 1 is my buddy read book which I had to stop because we still need to discuss that. BUT as I said last week, I did take videos of me reading so I'll have my actual wrapup for that probably next weekend of something. idk since I'm actually not a fan of video editing. lmao.

I kind of want to do a month 24 Hour Readathon for me but I also need to find a good schedule for that because clearly there's are things to do other than read.

On other things, I cleaned my Kindle and Goodreads "ebook-own" shelf. It's basically my Goodreads shelf that has all the Kindle ebooks I have. It supposed to basically have Kindle ebooks I acquire, review copies are excluded (they're on another shelf). And during the first month of downloading my Kindle App, I ended up downloading A LOT of free books on the Amazon Kindle store. So I got about 190+ Kindle ebooks and most of them I never really opened or downloaded on my device.

So after my shelf cleaning, I got 90% of those ebooks deleted permanently (I'm sorry indie authors) and generally kept books I actually bought which closed down to 68 Kindle Ebooks. Some of them were still free stuff but they're ones that I somehow really considered reading

current reads

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle | Stuart Turton
I'm over 300 pages now! I have so much thoughts! so much questions! so much theories! I am really enjoying this book! I think that it's been a while since I really read a whodunit mystery. 

The Weight on Skin (Red #2) | Beena Khan
I've been reading this for quite a while now and while I genuinely enjoyed the first book of this series, I had my issues with it. But I still lowkey recommend it because it was good and the bookish characters were adorable. BUT this one... this one just isn't working out for me generally because the tone felt different, there's much more physical romance which isn't my type of read and there's also an odd hallucination in which the main character can actually physically interact with and feels really off for me.

What books did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? What do you plan to pick up next? Any new faves? Any recommendations?

let's connect!


  1. Good job with the read-a-thon. I would call 421 pages a success!

    1. Thanks, Sam! Also definitely a big deal for someone like me who reads so slow. hahaha

  2. I think you have a 1/2 comment posted prematurely lol I'll try again...

    My reading has been HORRIBLE. I did finally finish an audiobook - His & Hers and it was ok.

    I cleaned out my Kindle a few years ago and it's an awesome feeling. Books tend to get lost in the void after a while on there.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. little progress are also good. Glad that you were able to finish a book 🙂
      True! That's why I finally did it when I got in the sudden mood for it!

  3. You did great! I need to learn how to clean out my Kindle...

    1. I just went to the amazon page then contents and devices. then deleted everything i don't plan to read anymore. took me a while but it felt good afterwards 😅

  4. I did a Kindle cleaning last Sunday and it was the best! It also feels good to see how many books you've actually read that are still on your Kindle.

    1. True!!!! I feel you there! When I cleaned up stuff, I was able to see books I always forget that I actually got 😂

  5. I did a kindle cleaning last week and got my ebooks down from 232 to 23 :P But then I have my documents section of my kindle which went from 732 to 500ish but I still need to continue that cleaning! I got a bit tired out. Yay for managing to read so much during the readathon!

    1. OMG you have a lot more than I had and left fewer that I have now 😂 I do have a lot in my documents section as well and I don't think I'm ready to look at that yet 🤣🤣 Thank you, Olivia!! 😁


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