February 7, 2021

[WEEKEND READS] where I get a bit busy with work but still get to read


I was a bit preoccupied this week with work with Valentine's coming up.

As a graphic artist for a hotel and restaurant group of companies, I made way too much layouts for Valentine's, I don't even want to see anything with hearts or reds or whatnot. hahaha. It seems like my best friend is planning something for Valentine's though or maybe not. But I don't want to get my hopes up for anything. lmao. But we went out for Valentine's (more like pre-Valentine's last year because we both hated the Valentine's crowd) for the past 2 years so we'll see.

I'm happy I finished Wink Poppy Midnight a couple of days ago and I just sat there 12MN-ish and thought about this book. I wouldn't say I love it but I also can't say I didn't like it because while I did not like the characters, I've been very intrigued with them and I just idk. I wanna write a review but I need to gather my thoughts. So I don't know if I can do that. lmao.

This weekend, after finishing Wink Poppy Midnight, I finally really focused on my February TBR which is all about my ebooks!! So right now I'm probably simultaneously reading three books? But really now, am I supposed to be counting Strange Planet #2? I won't. lmao.

current reads

The Overdue Life of Amy Byler | Kelly Harms
I am finally speeding through this! It could be because I finally focused on this OR because I'm really enjoying this right now. I LOVE that Amy is a librarian. I love that aspect of the book and how she met this hot librarian!! I have zero clue how their relationship will go since there's also her (not so-ex) husband who probably wants to get back with her. Then there's also the single mom aspect of the book which in no way I can relate to but I can see where her anger towards her husband leaving her coming from and how she feels partly threatened with how her husband is maybe lowkey or surreptitiously bribing her children with his money. BUT YEAH, I'm enjoying this!
Dune (Dune #1) | Frank Herbert
My best friend insists I read this because he LOVED it! And he brings it up every chance he gets. UGH! I've only read 70+ pages and I feel that my mind get stuck up with maybe the writing as well as the terms they're throwing at every page. The WAAAAAY to many terms and wild world building is the reason I barely read fantasy/high fantasy books and yet here we are. lmao. I am considering holding it off but I'd like to get through a few more pages.

What books did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? Any new faves? Any recommendations? What do you think of these books? How was your week?

let's connect!


  1. Hope you didn't burn out of Valentine's due to work and still have something left in you to celebrate. It's good you're getting a lot of business though. I felt just like you at the end of Wink Poppy Midnight. It was so weird and strange, but at the same time, captivating.

  2. I can understand being tired of hearts and flowers after looking at it all the time. Wink Poppy Midnight was not for me but I really don't remember a whole lot about it. The Overdue Life of Amy Byler sounds really good. Have a great week!

  3. Ugh. My brain curdled when I tried to read Dune. Maybe I'll try the movie first, then read the book.


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