February 28, 2021

[WEEKEND READS] where February ends strong for me, reading-wise


I finished both Map of Fates and Tender is the Flesh early this past week. So that's really good for me, reading-wise. That makes it five books so far and I'm looking to finish one more tonight.

I'm trying to remember what's up with my week and I can't seem to remember anything significant other than waking up on Monday to an impromptu meeting with my boss and the rest of the marketing team only for it to be cancelled (which kind of feels like a relief for me). The awkward introvert in me still gets scared of meetings/online meetings even though we've done in several times. And it's not like I'm slacking on work to be scared of it as well. 

It's finally March and I'm excited for the days to be moving and somehow I'm hyped for baseball season. The fangirl in me gets too excited with all the little moves, workouts, and the prospect of Spring Training kicking off. Hockey is good but it's really nothing like baseball for me.

current reads

Waking Gods (Themis Files #2) | Sylvain Neuvel
I restarted this and I'm really enjoying it. I'm hoping to finish this early this week. I'm really intrigued and somehow I can't remember much from Sleeping Giants but I think things will come back to me. But Waking Gods really started strong for me especially with Rose's side of the story (she's the scientist, right? I'm not good with names. haha). Also, I still really like the humor here. 
The Lost Village | Camilla Sten
This sounds intriguing to be honest. A village that's suddenly been deserted, a film being made to uncover what happened, and a main character that's related to someone who lived in the mysterious village. I'm hoping to finish this tonight. I'm 70% into this and so far it's a 3-star for me. It's quite slow but it's also atmospheric and intriguing. review soooon! Probably tomorrow/Monday or closer to release date. idk.

What books did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? Any new faves? Any recommendations? What do you think of these books? How was your week?

let's connect!


  1. My meetings are only audio, we dial in and sometimes there's a powerpoint. Are your's visual? I would not be up for that.

    1. we're visual. my boss prefers that he sees us unless we're having really bad connections. I just try to look a little upbeat as I can.

  2. I liked the first Neuvel book but haven't read the rest.

    1. I just finished the second one and wow, it's really good. I've read mixed things about the final book though but I'm still excited to read it now.

  3. I so understand the anxiety on video calls, even if there is no need of that. I do get them too. Stay safe!

    1. I know, right? I mean it's not like they can actually see me physically but the anxiety is still there.

  4. I loved Waking Gods and the rest of the series! I have not done a video call yet and really don't care to so I completely understand.

    1. I just finished Waking Gods and wow I don't know if I actually like it more than Sleeping Giants. I really wish we don't do video meetings at all. It's not like I need that as a graphic artist.

  5. Yay! You're finally finishing Waking Gods. One of the best Sci-fi series I've read all time. ;)

  6. I will be poking around on your blog, looking for The Lost Village review.

    We have a weekly Zoom meeting and I dread them because, for some reason, everyone else's faces look normal but my skin looks splotchy, my hair looks thin, my five-head looks enormous...I always have the curtains closed so that it looks like I'm in the Witness Protection System. Last week I was sitting so that only half my face was on camera and a co-worker in a private chat said "You look way too serious...well, at least the half of your face that I can see looks way too serious." Bwaaa haaa haa! Our next Zoom meeting is today. Every Wednesday. Ugh. Oh and one reason our manager wants cameras on is because she KNOWS people are scrolling through their phones and not paying attention. LOL


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